Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Can you say Hot?

Goodness it's hot here!  103F yesterday with more of the same forecast for a few more days.  I came home from the lake Monday but we drove out to water the grass and plants last night after a dinner meeting Hubby and I went to.  

I think I may have neglected to show you the beautiful hats Barbara sent for the babies at the local hospital.  Doesn't she do beautiful work? I love the rainbow of colors.
Sunday afternoon we played in thelake to try and beat the heat. Here's a picture of Hubby getting ready to catch the frisbee. He and Larry start playing frisbee and before you know it they have a half dozen or more kids joining in. Great fun!
See that dot in the middle of the lake?  That's Hubby and Paul canoeing across the lake. They are FAST!  It only took them about 10 minutes to go across and   back.  It's not a tiny lake. This photo is zoomed in to give you an idea of how far it is.
Pipers sweater is coming along.  Most of the parts are done now.

The sleeves.
The back.
Left and Right fronts.  You can see by the needles that I'm working on the button band.  Hopefully it will be finished today.
I've been out and about running errands this morning.  We had a bucketful of pennies, dimes and quarters. We just empty our pockets and throw it in-when it's full I take it to the bank where they put it in the machine counter.  Then I deposit it in savings.  It was almost $50.00 this morning! Not bad for spare change.  They don't take a cut like those coin  machines you see at the stores either. We get to keep it all.  Yeah!

Then it was off to the car dealership to get the key fob battery replaced for Hubby's truck.  They were very nice and less than 5 minutes later I was on my way.  Next up is an appointment in an hour to get a canopy/topper, (whatever you call it in your part of the country), put on the truck.  We're looking forward to a few weekend camping trips in it yet this year.  I'm ahead of schedule so I found a McDonald's close to the installer.  I have a diet coke, my knitting and a book so I'm all set!
Please pray we get a break from the heat and some gentle rain here in the Northwest.  There are fires burning everywhere with new ones popping upevery day from the heat.  I don't remember having such high temperatures here for so long a time in the 20 years we've been here.

I hope you're all having a wonderful day wherever you may be.  Remember to be a blessing to someone today.  It will make your day a precious one too.



  1. Beautiful post, beautiful knitting and here's wishing you get a break from the heat with a bit of rain. We are forecast for rain here on the East Coast of England for Saturday. Have a good week.

  2. Oh Miss Piper's sweater is so cute. :) Praying that you will all get some rain and cooler temps soon. The hats are adorable. How every kind of her to make them.

    Wishing you a day filled with many blessings sweet friend. :)

  3. Hi Betsy! What fun you're having at the lake! Have you tried canoeing? I love being on the water. Those hats are SO cute! And that sweater will be cherished. 1 week and we'll be at the lake!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. This weather is CRAZY around the country, isn't it? You all are usually cooler than we are. This July has been our coolest July in many years... Today is near perfect here. (Makes me wonder what will happen in August --or WINTER.... Yipes!)

    Piper's sweater will be beautiful... You are SO SO SO talented....

    Try to stay COOL.

  5. Love those colorful hats!!! Beautiful sweater for sweet Piper. :) I am praying.♥

  6. We've got your cooler weather down here in Texas. It sure is nice! I feel for you guys, especially since I know a lot of people don't have air conditioning up there. I hope it breaks for yous soon.

  7. We do the same with our change jar. When it is full, it is a guaranteed 60 bucks :)

  8. I love your sweater you are making for Piper. I have no time right now. Busy evening after work. Took a walk with Phil after he got home at 8:30, which I'd not planned on, but I needed the walk and we could talk, mostly uninterrupted unless we see a neighbor or a child or comment on the clouds over east, that were pink near the horizon. We've had warm temps here, last couple days mid 90s and high 80s today, still quite warm outdoors. I watered plants outdoors.....dinner dishes....didn't get photos downloaded to computer...will do it tomorrow and finally get a blog post done tomorrow, hopefully. Sigh! Take care and have a good camping trip where'er you go, my friend! God bless!

  9. Hullo Betsy well done the rainbow hats made by your friend :) sorry about you high temps. Pray for relief and fires be controlled. Ee are already in high fire danger and have issues in winter here still!!! Big concern. Great work on Pipers cardy. Love Shaz in Oz x

  10. The sweater you are making for Piper is so pretty, Betsy! I know a lot of wonderful hugs are stitched into it! So glad you have the lake to cool off in. It is to be in the 80s-90s all week here. Did I tell you my youngest son is visiting here from NJ.? I am so excited and enjoying him so much! He drove us up to Mount Hood and it seemed so strange to see people still skiing when the temperature is 83 degrees there. I have been getting McDonald's large unsweetened iced tea frequently these days :) Looking forward to seeing you Monday!!! xx

  11. Betsy, I sure will pray you get a break in the heat and those fires go out with a nice long day or two of rain. It is hot here, 92 with high humidity and not so much rain. Love Piper's sweater, she is going to look adorable in it.
