I've been making more burial buntings for the hosptial and I find it's just much easier to let everything go and get them done in one "fell swoop". This is a photo of two more in process which will give me a total of eight. I think that will be all for this time as I just can't make anymore right now.
I've also been busy making a few doilies. I enjoy these and haven't made any for awhile. It sure feels strange having that cotton thread in my hands after using yarn for so long!
I have them blocking on a towel this morning and then when they are dry, they'll be starched and ironed and ready for use!
Hubby and I made a trip to Walmart last night for this little purchase. I still have to open it and make sure it works. We had a little white toaster oven that we purchased about 15 years or so ago to use in our little pop-up tent camper. It was a workhorse. Since the kids have all moved out, I find myself using it several times a week. It's much easier to use than heating up the big oven for just a baked potato or garlic bread, etc. for just hubby and I. I tried to use it to broil smashed potatoes on Monday and it wasn't working right. Last night I tried to make garlic bread and it wouldn't turn on at all. Hubby took it apart when he got home and pronounced it dead. Since I only paid about $20.00 for it so long ago, I think we got our money's worth out of it. Anyway, off we went to Wally-World and bought this beauty. It's huge compared to my little one, but I'm planning to take it to the trailer this summer and use it outside to keep the trailer cooler. It's big enough for a round cake pan and a much larger baking dish than my previous oven, so the possibilities are endless. I'll let you know how it works at a later date.
I realized as I was dusting picture this morning that I don't think I've ever shown you a photo of my son Alex, who lives in Japan. So here he is. These are pictures of pictures, so please forgive the blurriness. These were taken in Tokyo a couple of months ago. How I miss that boy. He used to sit on the end of our bed at night with his guitar and sing us to sleep. I miss that. Children do grow up and move away and I realize that, but I have days when I REALLY miss my kids. Not one of them ever gave us a spot of trouble or worry. They were all great students and we knew they loved and appreciated us. Now just why did they all move so far away?
I think I'm having a bit of a melancholy day. Blame it on the burial buntings, the fact that it's the Thursday of Holy Week, or just the fact that I'm missing my babies.
Anyway. Thank you to all that offered words of wisdom on the placing of photos on blogger. It's still not putting them where I want. I have to copy, move, delete and paste to get them where I want, but with a bit of persnickity tweaking, it seems to have worked better this morning. :-)
Have a lovely, lovely day everyone and please take a moment to remember why we celebrate Easter. It's not the big meal, bunnies or the egg hunts, althought they are FUN! It's because Jesus died for us to give us a chance to live with Him in Heaven some day.