Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sick Again!

Well I had five days of feeling good and then Sunday night I started running a temperature of over 103F again. A trip to the Dr. yesterday for blood work just to be told he doesn't know what's wrong with me. The blood work should be back soon. Maybe that will help answer some questions.

When I was feeling well on Saturday we went to the trailer to check on things. There was over 2 feet of snow! You can't tell in the pictures, but we were walking in the iced over snowmobile tracks. Every once in awhile I would break through deeper than my knees. The lake is completely frozen over! So hard to imagine skiing & swimming in the summer.

I hope I'll be better for the next post. This has been a nasty month for me.



  1. Betsy,,,same goes for me. Sick, sick, sick of being sick!! I went to Dr. yesterday. Hoping to feel better soon. And I hope you do too!!!!
    xo Kris

  2. I hear this flu is really horrible and it sticks around. I hope you are feeling better soon, hugs,

  3. OK, here's the plan.. don't go off and walk around in snow before you're all better. :-) Get well fast! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. Sorry you are ill again, Betsy. Sounds like your immune system needs a boost.
    Stay inside and keep snug and warm.
    Carol xx

  5. Betsy,
    I will be praying for you. I am concerned...
    May God bless,

  6. Oh gosh you really are suffering. Please look after yourself. Keep warm and rest. Anne x

  7. Thank you ladies for the well wishes. I think when I finally get over this I'll try to find some immune system booster vitamins. I really thought I was better until yesterday.

  8. Betsy, I am cheering you on from my neck of the woods!

    Oranges? Green leafy veggies? Chicken noodle soup? Grab a favorite blanket and curl up next to a hot pot of tea laced with honey?

    Be well soon!!!!!!!

    ps. Thanks for posting the brrrreautiful photos :-)

  9. What a bummer! Sorry to be reading this. The snow pictures are lovely though. That is one thing I miss about living on this side of the mountains. We rarely get snow. I actually look forward to at least one snow storm a year. I lived in the Yakima Valley until I was 13 so snow was a part of my life. We even used to get more on this side than we do now when I was a teen. I am thinking you had better hunker down for a few days and stay inside now. At least until you are feeling MUCH better :)

  10. First, I would like to say a big thank you for your lovely comments! Secondly, I would have to concur with Teresa above...NO MORE walking around in cold snow until you are 100% better! My daughter seems to do quite well drinking "Emergen-C" to fight off the germs! She works in environments where everyone around her is sick, but, knock wood, the Emergen-C seems to do well by her. So that's my suggestion. My magic potion is working out four or five times a week...it seems to boost my immunity. Hope you're feeling tip top soon, Betsy. Hugs, Annette
