Saturday, September 21, 2024

South Dakota

Come along with us as we drive through the Black Hills! Lots of photos so feel free to skip on by if you’re not interested. There is a "little" crocheting at the end. 

The view as you drive west on I-90 past Chamberlain, SD. The Missouri River.

On the bridge. When our kids were small they used to see if they could hold their breath as we crossed the bridge. They asked us if we held our breath this time. :-)

A deer in our campground about three spots away from us. We have a flock of turkeys that roam through the campground all day, every day. Zoey is scared of them and climbs in our lap if she sees them.
I'm standing in the door to our camper to take this picture. That's Zoey's pen at the bottom. There are very few people here and it's SO quiet.

See any familiar faces?

Here they are! A little closer now.

We drove the Needles Hwy. and made it through the tunnels with the truck in one piece but it's really a tight fit, top and sides. We have an F350 and it's a BIG truck.

I tried and tried to get you a photo of the pigtail bridges, but there was always something in the way and I couldn't get the shot. Here's part of one of the bridges. Imagine the log structure going round and round in a circle upwards. Hence the name "pigtail" bridges.

Uh-oh. Another tunnel! Will we make it? If you enlarge the photo you will see a surprise at the other end.

Here we are at the end of the tunnel. Not only did we make it through, look what is perfectly framed at the end as you drive out!

On Thursday we decided to drive to Deadwood, SD. You know, where the famous shootouts used to happen and the brothel just closed in 1980? What should have been about a 10 minute drive turned into 1 1/2 hours! The highway is gone! They are widening about a five mile stretch of the road. We would be taken a mile or so with a "pilot car" then have to wait for the next one to take us another mile or so. It seemed to take forever, but the scenery was beautiful and we didn't have to be anywhere at a certain time so we tried to relax and not get frustrated. We did feel sorry for the big motorhomes and trucks pulling campers who were also surprised by the road. No one had any warning before you arrived at the spot. There were HUGE holes in the road and bumps and rocks and bigger rocks you had to drive over. We were thankful we were in the truck and NOT pulling our camper.

Another section of the road. We did say how much our boys would have enjoyed this when they were younger. Lots of big trucks and tractors.

We finally made it to Deadwood and then made our way to Wild Bill Hickok's and Calamity Janes graves. The stories of these two were really very interesting. It would have been a big adventure to live in the Wild West back in those days.

Wild Bill in the front and Calamity Jane beside him.

I thought this was interesting. People bring bullets and coins to put at the base of Wild Bill's tombstone.

Yesterday, (Friday), we drove the Iron Mountain Road where we found, you guessed it, more tunnels.

This one was a lot wider. Two cars could go through with room to spare!

There is such gorgeous scenery here. I could stop at every twist and turn and see beauty. Isn't the Lord amazing? The beauty he created and blessed us with is breathtaking to me.

Today we took a drive along the wildlife loop road. Since I bored you with lots of photos from our time here in August, I won't show nearly as many pictures this time. But this guy was all by himself. He was sleeping just before we drove by. He was massive.

We must have seen thousands of bison roaming the hills. They are getting ready for the big yearly round-up where they gather the herd for winter.

And just before we finished the drive we came across some of the famous "begging burros." All together there were about 15 burros with a couple of little babies too.

They are NOT shy at all and will stick their entire heads in the car.

Leaves are starting to turn here and it's supposed to be 33F tonight. Yes, we turned the furnace on in the camper for while we sleep. :-) And did you see that road sign hiding among the trees? That is exactly what many of the roads are like here and I love it!

One last photo I took somewhere around the Cathedral Spires trail. That sky! Is it any wonder that this is my favorite place to camp?

Now to the crocheting. Really bad photos but I just took them and it's dark and there is nowhere to lay them flat since Dennis is already in bed. It's a baby blanket using Bernat Softee Baby yarn and the "Baby Diamonds Blanket" pattern I found on Ravelry.  Super easy and fun to crochet. I can do this while we're in the truck drving around without having to look at it much. That way I can enjoy the scenery!
I started another one yesterday in blue/white, also Bernat Softee Baby yarn. After we went to Deadwood yesterday I talked Dennis into going back to the camp ground through Rapid City so we could stop at a JoAnn's and get more white yarn. I received a coupon by email yesterday for 50% of one item, so that worked well. I knew I didn't bring enough yarn! There's never enough yarn.

We have just two more full days here and then will begin the trip home. Mom broke a tooth on Thursday and I called the dentist yesterday. I made an appointment for her as soon as we get home. I had thought we might have to cut our trip short and leave yesterday, but the dentist called back and talked to me. He said not to come home early. She says she has no pain and he said there shouldn't be any danger of infection in that short of time so he talked us into staying the planned amount of days. We've talked to her several times a day since we've been gone and it's getting harder and harder to be away for more than a day or two. This was a much needed break, and we'll be going again in a couple of weeks for just a couple of days, but that will probably be all for awhile. It's quickly becoming time to think of winterizing the camper. Never a fun thing to think about.

I do apologize that this post is so long. If you made it this far, thank you for sticking around!

So much is happening in the middle east and my heart is saddened and excited at the same time. Who us us knows what it all means, but I do know that the Lord knows and He will watch over Israel, his people. I pray for the safety of the people each and every day.

Blessings and love,

Sunday, September 15, 2024


Stopping in quickly to say hello. I was gone with my sister for a couple of days to the other side of Iowa for a concert. Since I got home Friday, I’ve been getting things ready, because we leave tomorrow for another week and a half in the Black Hills and other spots in South Dakota. Lots of packing to do. Here is a photo of the room I shared with my sister Melanie. 

The hotel was built in 1917 in Ottumwa, Iowa. It’s called the Hotel Ottumwa. It was a beautiful place and I can imagine it in its heyday! My niece Chaela and her husband Tim, were with us. Tim won the tickets on a Veteran’s site. The concert was “Home Free” which, as you know, we’ve been to several of their concerts in the past few years. It is the first and only acappella country band. They also sing a lot of gospel songs. It’s funny because there are five youngish guys, probably 40 and younger, and the audience is mainly old people like me! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

I plan to take my laptop along camping and hopefully I will have Internet at the campground and can catch back up with all of you. Meanwhile, I’ve mostly just been stitching away on Christmas ornaments and I also started a baby blanket in the car on the way to the concert and back. Hopefully I’ll have some things to show you when we get home. 

Please continue to keep Israel in your prayers. Also, for cool heads to prevail here in the United States during the next few months of election time.

I will end with a photo of my girls! I think this is the cutest picture! Piper and Lizzie. And of course, Lizzie has her Lamby too.

Much love and many blessings to you all,

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Gorgeous Weather

Happy Saturday night to each of you! We had a lovely time camping from Labor Day afternoon until Thursday afternoon. The entire park, which is huge, had pretty well emptied out from a fully packed place over the weekend. In our camping loop there were only 5-6 spots occupied and all by retirees. It made for a REALLY quiet camping trip. Just what we wanted. We only had to have the A/C on for one day so we were able to spend a lot of time outside.

The park is about 3 miles from the little town of Ashland. Dennis drove into town each morning and bought us each one donut! Very fresh donuts too and with only one donut, we couldn't over eat. :-)

The view from our camper.

All of the summer activities were over after Labor Day on Monday. Below you'll see the Owen Marina that was just down the trail from us. By Tuesday they were already taking the paddle boats out of the water and getting ready to store them.

Another marina view. There is also a huge waterpark with pools and slides, etc. Horseback riding, several zip lines, a movie theater, big lodge, dozens of fully furnished cabins and and an ice skating rink. As I said, it's a huge park and only about 20 minutes from home. I'm probably forgetting something else it has. As I said though, all except camping, the lodge and cabins are closed for the winter now.

There are hiking trails all over the park and los of wildflower gardens.

So pretty! See Dennis waiting patiently for me in the truck? We had just come back from a trip to Ashland for our morning donuts! :-)

Just past the the entrance to the State Park is this other parking lot.

It is a big Aerospace Museum. We really want to visit here, especially since Dennis was in the Air Force. We plan to go in the near future when we can leave Zoey home and not worry about her being alone in the camper for a longer length of time. She has separation anxiety and does much better at home without us than anywhere else besides Mandy's. We want to be able to take our time since we both like airplanes.

Another view of the entrance. I love all of the flags. I admit it. I'm patriotic and I love our country. I sure hope we can get back on track soon and leave all of the bickering behind us.

One more view by our spot. I loved watching the ducks and geese land on the lake and swim around.

My friend Nita in Spokane asked for a bag to wear around her neck for her phone when she takes walks. I had made myself one when we walked at the lake together before we moved. I have no idea what happened to mine, so I just improvised a pattern yesterday. It went off in the mail to her this morning. Her favorite color is the same as mine...purple of any shade!

Remember this photo from my last post? Well the blanket is finished now, but I forgot to take a photo before it was given away.  Imagine it being 30 inches square. I'm sorry I forgot to photograph it for you. 

Last year I had our kids annual Christmas tree ornaments done by the end of July. I just started this years ornaments yesterday! I have no idea why I'm so far behind. I finished the cross stitch on one this afternoon and just started the 2nd. I have seven to stitch and then make into ornaments. I also normally have all my Christmas shopping done by now too, but this year? Nope. I have a few things prepared, but I need to get busy. We always celebrate Christmas with Alex, "T" and Baby "J" when they come at Thanksgiving, so that only gives me a little over two months to get some ideas and then either make or buy their gifts. Yikes!

And finally, Dennis and I are taking another trip! We were sitting in the camper the other day and we realized that we can take more than one weeklong camping trip a year now that we're retired! So I went online right then and made reservations at our favorite place near Custer, SD and Mt. Rushmore. We're going on the 16th and need to be home by the 26 or 27th. We're staying at that campground for seven nights and will visit some of our favorite Black Hills places without so many tourists.  Summertime is insanely busy. When we were there in July we didn't do much because we were so tired, but we're looking forward to hiking around Sylvan Lake, Harney Peak and others. Driving the Iron Mountain Road and seeing the begging burros. We want to visit the graves of Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane! We're looking forward to all of this. If we have time on the way home, we'll stop in DeSmet S.D. to visit the homestead of Laura Ingalls Wilder. We're looking forward to it. 

We don't like to be gone more than a week at a time because of Mom and we only have one more camping trip of 3 days planned in October with our minister Jeff, his wife Angie and Curt and Barb. That's at the beginning of the month and unless it stays really warm, we'll probably winterize the camper after that.

I hope all is well with all of you my friends. Please remember that no matter how crazy the world can seem to be at times, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Put your hope, faith and trust in Him and life will never be the same. He is the Comforter and the Prince of Peace.

I come to the garden alone
While the dew is still on the rosesAnd the voice I hear, falling on my earThe Son of God discloses
And He walks with meAnd He talks with meAnd He tells me I am His ownAnd the joy we share as we tarry thereNone other has ever known
He speaks and the sound of His voiceIs so sweet the birds hush their singingAnd the melody that He gave to meWithin my heart is ringing
And He walks with meAnd He talks with meAnd He tells me I am His ownAnd the joy we share as we tarry thereNone other has ever known
I stayed in the garden with HimThough the night all around me is fallingBut He bids me go, through the voice of woeHis voice to me is calling
And He walks with meAnd He talks with meAnd He tells me I am His ownAnd the joy we share as we tarry thereNone other has ever knownNone other has ever known

Blessings and Love,