Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Goodness, it’s cold outside! Do you want to see what the temperature is right now? This is a screenshot of my phone’s weather app right now. Do you see the “feels like” temperature is -24F. And it’s just supposed to get colder and colder through Wednesday night. Then we will have a nice warm-up for a few days. Winter really just started about two weeks ago here but I’m already done with it. 😂

I took this photo of our balcony this morning. I’m sorry it’s through the screen, but I wasn’t about to go outside in my PJs in the cold. It snowed for 24 hours straight beginning before midnight Sunday night. There wasn’t a huge accumulation, but this doesn’t accurately reflect how much we actually got since a lot of it blew off of the balcony. Since the wind was blowing, it’s hard to get an accurate picture of how much snow fell.

Dennis and Curt went to the church and did a little bit of maintenance work in the bathrooms yesterday and while they were gone, Barb texted me and asked if we wanted to come over and have some chili with them for dinner. Since they only live about two blocks away, of course we said yes. If it had been much more of a drive, I think we would’ve opted to stay home as the roads were getting pretty slick last night. The church is about a 20 minute drive on the interstate from here and they said the visibility was pretty low and the roads weren’t great. That doesn’t seem to bother the guys much though. It’s like it’s something for them to conquer! What is it about men?

The guys are off together again this morning to volunteer at the Open Door Mission and after that they’re going to a young man’s house from church to help him build a table. Those two always find something to get up to! I do hope the roads are improving a bit though, since he lives clear on the other end of town closer to the Air Force Base.

I’m happily staying at home with Zoey and knitting on more mittens…

And showing off the baby blanket I just finished for the mission.  She turned her head, just as I snapped the picture as you can tell by the blur. She doesn’t hold still for very long, but she does like to show off my knitting and crocheting.

This is another blanket using the “Grace” pattern, which is free on Ravelry. I used Caron yarn in the Carrera Marble
Colorway. Using an “I” hook, it ends up measuring about 36 inches square.

Yesterday we were discussing when we might be going to London again to see our kids there. I decided to check plane tickets for March since that’s when “baby J” will have her third birthday. We’ve missed her first two. Lo and behold, the tickets were very reasonably priced so we immediately booked them. We’ll be going during the last couple of weeks of March and we’ll get to spend her birthday with her! We also had to apply for the ETA, the new visa that’s required for Americans to go to the UK. It wasn’t too difficult and it lasts for two years, so I think we’re all set. As much as I dread the plane trip because of the tight quarters, (my long legs just don’t like those tight spaces,) we’re excited to see our kids again.

They’ve been traveling for a long weekend and headed home to London yesterday. We were able to FaceTime with them for an hour or so while they were waiting to board the train. “Baby J” said she wanted us to come for her birthday. Well, that’s all it took! 🥰 As soon as we hung up, I got online. How do you say no to such a cute Granddaughter!!!? As much as I hate flying these days, especially with all of the plane crashes lately, it will be worth it to see her. So, we’re off again. Please pray for me that I don’t get sick. The last two times we’ve flown over the Pond, I’ve managed to sit next to a very sick person on the plane and I ended up sick the entire time we were there.

In other news, all of the test results came back from the endocrinologist, and although a few things were a bit low, she said it would be OK for another year, when I’ll need to repeat the CT scan with contrast and 11 vials of blood again! My next doctor appointment is next week with the neurosurgeon. We’ll see what they have to say. Getting old isn’t for sissies.

Meanwhile, except to take Zoey outside to go potty, I’m planning on staying home and out of the cold. Dennis can go gallivanting around town with his cousin Curt, volunteering at the Mission, helping fix things for other people, etc. I’ll be happily at home in front of the fire with my crochet hook or knitting needles in hand, watching movies and snuggling with my puppy. I hope you are all warm, safe and dry. Spring will come eventually.

Blessings and love, 

No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus
Text & Music- Charles F. Weigle

I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus,
Since I found in Him a friend so strong and true.
I would tell you how He changed my life completely;
He did something no other friend could do.

No one ever cared for me like Jesus;
There's no other friend so kind as He.
No one else could take the sin and darkness from me;
O how much He cared for me.

All my life was full of sin when Jesus found me;
All my heart was full of misery and woe,
Jesus placed His strong arms about me
And He led me in the way I ought to go.


Every day He comes to me with new assurance;
More and more I understand His word of love.
But I'll never know just why He came to save me,
Till someday I see His blessed face above.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Surprises and Fun With Friends!

Happy Saturday, everyone! It’s been a very cold but good week. We have brilliant blue sunshine this morning and it’s very breezy.

It’s been an interesting week of doctors appointments and a morning at the lab having 11 vials of blood drawn. Still no results from the tests, but from someone who they have a difficult time just getting one vial, 11 was an experience. 😲

I received an absolutely beautiful birthday gift in the mail from my blogging friend Pamela in Florida. She has the blog “Closed doors, Open windows” over on my side bar. She sent me this beautiful tray that was made by her son and daughter-in-law, Benton and Rose. And it has Psalm 23 on it! It was the most unexpected and lovely gift. I’ll treasure it always. The workmanship is perfect. I love the handles on either side and it has rubber feet on the bottom so you don’t have to worry about scratching things. Every detail was well thought out. I can’t say thank you enough, Pam! And a big thank you to Benton and Rose too for the love that they put into making it. I was so shocked when it arrived. I never expected anything so beautiful. She had told me a package was on the way and to be watching for it. It had been held up for quite some time, somewhere along the way, so although it wasn’t a surprise to receive a package, the contents were totally unexpected.

Dennis got me some flowers at Trader Joe’s on Monday while we were out running errands. They still look beautiful. That’s one thing I like about Trader Joe’s flowers, they last a long time. And don’t they look nice on my new tray?

In this photo, I have four pair of mittens made, but there are actually five done. I finished another pair of lavender mittens yesterday afternoon after I took this photo. I’m excited to have a place to donate mittens again.

Please excuse the wrinkly blanket and the sunlight streak. I haven’t had time to wash this one yet, but another baby blanket is ready to go to the open door mission as soon as it’s washed.

Last night we had our valentines cake decorating party here. On Thursday I baked 25 little heart-shaped cakes and a dozen cupcakes. The ones on the right with the little hearts on the lids are gluten-free for our friend Amanda. I’ve been gathering up decorating frosting’s, sprinkles, edible glitter, and candies to decorate with. And those cute gnomes that are over a foot tall for only $1.25 each at the dollar tree! Aren’t they cute? I was puzzling on how everyone would be able to get their cakes home in one piece and I found these perfect little baking pans with lids on Amazon.

So last night, Jeff and Angie, Curt and Barb and Amanda all came over and we got Little Caesars pizza for us and a gluten-free pizza for Amanda and we had a fun-filled dinner together before settling down to decorate the cakes. There was so much fun and laughter along the way. I think the cakes turned out great! We decorated the cupcakes and ate those for our dessert.

This is the same group that carved pumpkins in October and made gingerbread houses together in December. It’s a fun way to look forward to things throughout the long winter days. The other five go bike riding once a week during the summer. Unfortunately, my back doesn’t allow us to join in on that activity, but this is also our camping group and we already have two camping trips planned for this coming summer.

Each of us hosts one of these activities at our homes. We have so much fun and laughter together. From left to right, front row, is Jeff, our minister, his wife Angie and yours truly. Back row is Barb, Curt and Amanda. Dennis is taking the photo. Curt is Dennis’s cousin and you may remember the story of how we went on our first date with him and Barb almost 50 years ago.
You also get kind of an aerial view of our condo. The living room is to the left. The first open door on the left is my yarn room/office and straight back is our bedroom. If you turn right behind the kitchen wall, you’ll see another big closet and the door to the garage Behind Dennis is the front door, the laundry room, the main bathroom and the guest room.

Well, it’s a short but sweet post, literally. A lot of sugar in those cakes! Oh the fun we had last night. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, finding joy in your heart.

Blessings and love,


Text: Anna B. Warner
Music: William B. Bradbury

  1. Jesus loves me! This I know,
    For the Bible tells me so;
    Little ones to Him belong;
    They are weak, but He is strong.
    • Refrain:
      Yes, Jesus loves me!
      Yes, Jesus loves me!
      Yes, Jesus loves me!
      The Bible tells me so.
  2. Jesus loves me! This I know,
    As He loved so long ago,
    Taking children on His knee,
    Saying, “Let them come to Me.”
  3. Jesus loves me still today,
    Walking with me on my way,
    Wanting as a friend to give
    Light and love to all who live.
  4. Jesus loves me! He who died
    Heaven’s gate to open wide;
    He will wash away my sin,
    Let His little child come in.
  5. Jesus loves me! He will stay
    Close beside me all the way;
    Thou hast bled and died for me,
    I will henceforth live for Thee.

Friday, January 31, 2025


Happy February my friends. It's my birthday! I'm officially a senior citizen now. 65! Wow! When did that happen? I remember 50 years ago like it was yesterday, but I can't remember what I went into the kitchen for ten minutes ago. Ha! My back has been spasming like crazy since we went to church yesterday to set up for a funeral dinner today, Saturday. I've been weaning off of the medication that I take for spasms for a couple of months now. I was within a week of being off of it completely, but the spasms came back today with a vengence, so now I'm not sure what will happen. Oh well, many are worse off than I am and at least I can still do my crafting from my chair.

Since I haven't completed anything except a sock since I last posted, I thought I would show you around our condo since I took down Christmas and put away the snowmen on Wednesday. Now, it's Valentine's month!
The cards are for my birthday, on the left is from my friend Jenny and the right is from Connie at the "Far Side Of Fifty" blog that you'll find on my sidebar. Both are beautiful, but Connie's is handmade in purples, My absolute favorite color. I also got a beautiful card today from Pam at "Closed Doors, Open Windows." Thank you ladies. I am so thankful for my blog friends.

The little statues are from Mom's house. I just couldn't bear to part with them. I think they look kind of cute next to the fireplace don't you?

The kitchen sink. I just purchased a new bottle for my dish soap as the last one had a crack in it. That drainboard/sink cover is the greatest thing. One came with our camper and I used it so much, I bought one for the house. You can drain veggies, dishes, whatever you need to. I use it a lot for pots and pans that I don't like to put in the dishwasher.

The Scandanavian Heart garland that I made years ago from my dear blog friend Teresa Kasner's pattern. She designed the pattern and although she passed a few years ago, her husband has left the blog up and the pattern is at the top right on her home page. They are quick and easy to crochet and always make me smile and think of dear Teresa, a very talented lady and good friend. Dennis and I used to drive to Portland, OR to have dinner with Teresa and Dayle at various places. The last one was shortly before Teresa died. We met them on the Oregon coast in Lincoln City at a nice restaurant right on the beach at D'River. D'River is the shortest river in the world where fresh water meets up with the salt water of the Pacific. I sure miss Teresa. We had a great phone conversation the afternoon that she passed. Right after we hung up she went to the hospital. Such a sad thing and a loss for the crafting community.

My orchids are loving this diffused morning sunshine. I'm still waiting for my violet to bloom, but since it was just a dried up shrivel of a plant when I found it in the trash at Walmart, I figured it would take awhile. They even gave it to me free because as the worker said, "it's dead, I don't know why you want it." Well, it's not dead, but it still hasn't flowered either. The sweet little card is one that Araignee, (Debbie), sent with some soap a couple of weeks ago. I really, really like her homemade soap. It's wonderful and easy on the hands. She puts such care into wrapping, providing an ingredient list and even a little card with each bar. Thank you again Debbie! She's at the "Araignee's Tangled Web" blog on my sidebar.

I cross-stitched the bunny tray about 36-37 years ago. I also made one for one of the Mom's I babysat for. We have a kissing booth all set up here in our kitchen. Do you want to come visit and get a hug?

Here is a little wider view showing the china cabinet. This week I cleaned some things out of it that I've had for years and taken them to the thrift store. After moving Mom out of her house of 47 years, (and she never threw anything away), I've promised myself that our kids won't have to sift through a ton of stuff when we're gone. Actually, it feels very freeing to get rid of some "stuff" we don't need. Except yarn, I'm afraid they'll have to go through yarn when I die. :-)

One of the things like like most about this condo is the laundry right next to the kitchen/living room/ dining area. It makes it so easy to do our laundry that I don't mind it at all.  Our newest purchase is the little rolling can storage cart on the bottom left. We don't have much of a panty here at all, so this has come in very handy. I had the extra cans in rolling plastic bins under our bed, but it was just too difficult to get down on my hands and knees and drag that very heavy thing out every time I needed some canned food. I try to keep things we eat often on hand just in case. I don't think I'll ever forget the empty grocery shelves during covid. So I keep a month or two of groceries on hand. (And toilet paper!) Ha!

My first pair of mittens in over two years! They actually took longer than I thought they would, considering I've made hundreds of pairs in this exact size. But I had to keep referring to the pattern as a refresher course. Now, I think I've got it in my head again and will get rolling faster. I'll try to make at least 3-4 pair a week, as I can usually make a pair in this size in about 3 hours or so. I'm going to check with my friend and see if they would like larger sizes too, so they would have them for all the elementary students that need them, not just K-2 grades that these normally fit.

I was asked what pattern I use for the mittens. Here is a photo of the pamplet that I bought on Amazon. It has patterns for both the pointed tops and the rounded ones that I prefer to make for the children. I've done both and I have mittens for Mandy, Piper and I with both pointed and round. The cute hat patterns are also included. I'm not sure if the leaflet is still in stock or not. Let me know if you can't find it anywhere.

A larger view of the leaflet number. It's Leisure Arts #391.

Well, that's it. Not much else happening here. It was another gorgeously sunny day today, but tomorrow is supposed to be cloudy. Sunday is predicted for 56F! I can't believe the weather this past week. After Sunday, it's supposed to cool into the 30's during the day and teens at night. That will be more like January in Nebraska!

My doctor sent me a message this afternoon that he has referred me to an endocrinologist. Did I spell that right? Anyway, he wants another opinion on the mass, growth or whatever you want to call it on my adrenal gland, that showed up even clearer in the CT scan this week. I feel like I'm living the book, "If you give a mouse a cookie." I had the MRI to check my back muscles and joints because of the spasms. They found a cyst on my spine, so now I have an appointment next month with a neurosurgeon. Now an endocrinologist too. I don't think I want any more tests, if they're just going to find stuff. :-) Ha! It's all part of growing older, right? 

My heart was already breaking over the plane crash in DC and now, there has been another one in Philadelphia. From what I've heard, it sounds like no survivors there either and possibly people on the ground too. Two doctors, crew, pediatric patient and a family member on a medical flight. How tragic. It makes one wonder, doesn't it? How can all of this be happening?

I'm so glad to have Jesus in my life. I don't know how people can cope without Him to give comfort, peace and love as only He can. I pray that all of the people on these flights knew Him too. I pray they are now safe in Heaven, walking the streets of gold, completely healed of everything. I'm truly looking forward to my turn to go home and see Him and those who have gone before. I want to sit and talk to Ruth, Mary and Elizabeth and ask them how they did the things they did. Now, understand, I'm not in a hurry, I'm just not afraid. I know where I'm going. I've been there before, when my heart stopped for 34 seconds, just days before I got my pacemaker. I was lucky to be in the cardiologist's office doing a tilt-table test when in happened, or I may not be here today. Heaven is AMAZING! God is good. And I know He was with the people on those flights when they must have been so terrified. We serve the Almighty God in this broken, sad and sometimes terrifying world we live in. 

And now, "May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and give you peace."  Numbers 6:24-26

I'll be back again soon. Love to you all, my dear friends.

Blessings and love,


What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought
Since Jesus came into my heart!
I have light in my soul for which long I have sought,
Since Jesus came into my heart!

Since Jesus came into my heart,
Since Jesus came into my heart,
Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll,
Since Jesus came into my heart.

2 I have ceased from my wand'ring and going astray,
Since Jesus came into my heart!
And my sins which were many are all washed away,
Since Jesus came into my heart! [Refrain]

3 I’m possessed of a hope that is steadfast and sure,
Since Jesus came into my heart!
And no dark clouds of doubt now my pathway obscure,
Since Jesus came into my heart! [Refrain]

4 There's a light in the valley of 

death now for me,

Since Jesus came into my heart!
And the gates of the City beyond I can see,
Since Jesus came into my heart! [Refrain]

5 I shall go there to dwell in that city, I know,
Since Jesus came into my heart!
And I'm happy, so happy, as onward I go,
Since Jesus came into my heart! [Refrain]

Text: Rufus H. McDaniel
Music: Charles H. Gabriel