Monday, April 26, 2021

Curtains Maestro!

Are you ready for an overload of pictures of curtains? I spent all day Saturday putting up curtain rods and hanging the aforementioned curtains. I’m not very good at it since I’ve always had Dennis to do the drilling and the hammering when we’ve put up curtains before. I would just tell him where I wanted them and it was like magic! They got hung up. I also hung up three mini blinds! I have to tell you this was a test of what I was capable of. My back did great.

I would like to point out that I do not have my iron or ironing board, so I washed and dried them and hung them up as is. I needed some privacy and some curtains up. I will iron them after I get my ironing board.

Living room: there are six sheer white panels in the middle.

On each side is a light gray panel with the darker gray design. I think I like the way it looks. What do you think? I worry a bit about privacy at night, but I don’t want big heavy drapes here either.

The kitchen. I had to put up both of these rods and replace the mini blinds.

Our bedroom: please excuse the box of clothes on the floor. I forgot to bring my skirt hangers so they have to wait until Dennis gets here. I love these curtains. They are so breezy and delicate, yet there’s a mini blind behind it for privacy.

This is the bathroom off of our bedroom. It’s not a big room but I just love the looks of these flowery curtains. They are more gray than is showing in this picture. They are also fairly thick to give privacy and there’s a mini blind behind the curtains. I hung that too! The wrinkles really show here.

This is the spare bedroom which will be Piper‘s room. I just got plain gray room darkening curtains for here. The same exact curtains are hung in the office.

The patio door has one big panel made of the same material.

And speaking of the office, I put together the printer stand to! There is supposed to be a bookcase that matches, but it is still on back order.

Here is the backyard. Do you see that strip of bare ground behind the line of trees? I dug up 10 packed full, 5 gallon buckets of dandelions from that strip alone. I sprayed them almost 2 weeks ago and they were still blooming! I dug five buckets full last night and then I got up at 5:30 this morning and dug another five. I was trying to beat the heat since it got up to 92° today.  On the left you see the red rock bed. There is a bunch of groundcover in there that is weeds that I have to spray and dig up. I ran out of time in the cool of the day. I may go back out tomorrow morning and spray.
This afternoon I planted an ornamental grass and some geraniums in that planter at the end of the rock wall.

The Harley Davidson sign will come off of the shed as well as the sign that says 1903. Our deck is being stained on Friday by the same guys that painted the inside. I would do that myself but I am allergic to stain.
That’s mom’s house that is the pinkish color, next door.

It was a good day today. I returned some mini blinds that wouldn’t work in the family room and was able to get potting soil, four solar lights and some weed spray with the money I got back. Then I went to another store that Mandy told me about yesterday and bought another pot of red geraniums for the front steps. Little by little it is starting to feel like home. Once Dennis brings the U-Haul trailer with my kitchen things, I will be able to do a lot more cooking. I bought the bare minimum with me. Then, two weeks after that the POD should arrive with the rest of our belongings.

I have not had time to do any crocheting or knitting for several days now. You know that is very unlike me. I’m hoping tomorrow to make progress on the second sock. I am on the foot and on the homestretch!  Wishing you all a wonderful day.

Blessings and love,


  1. Goodness me fit so much into one day! Be careful not to over do it...sitting back to admire all that you have done will give you some necessary "put your feet up" time. All those curtains and blinds incredible! I am useless at hanging up curtains but I am pretty good at putting up blinds by myself hence I have no curtains in my house but blinds. Nice tidy garden and the office furniture looks really practical. Is it beginning to feel like home? :-) keep well Amanda x

  2. My goodness you have been so busy. It is all so spacious and bright I love all the curtains and well done with the desk that is a real achievement. Your garden is wonderful and how lovely being so close to your Mum. It reminds me my Dad used to live next door to his Grandma when he was young and they had a little gate in the fence! Have a lovely day Betsy and don't work too hard. x

  3. Praying and praising God.. you're doing brilliantly Betsy.. praying for weeks ahead too. I'm impressed with those curtains. Clever plus!
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  4. My goodness, you’ve been so busy, no wonder there’s no knitting or crochet. It all looks great, I particularly like the living room curtains, very pretty.

  5. Hanging curtains is hard work! We have those sames room darkening curtains downstairs where The Mister likes to nap.
    The yard is looking lovely. It really is a nice space.

  6. WOW! I can't believe how fast everything is coming together Betsy. And Ican't believe ALL that you have done by yourself!!! Just don't overdo it. Take care.

  7. The house transformation is absolutely beautiful! I love the yard--putting your own personal touch there is fun, too.

  8. Girl - you have been crazy busy!!! Your curtains are just lovely, so light and airy! And you hung the curtain rods and blinds, too! You are super woman! I am not sure where you find all this energy, but take time to take a few breaths, too. I hope Mom is doing well and enjoying having you nearby. When Denis and the pod get there, you are going to finish your nest in record time! You must be working morning to night to have accomplished all this.

  9. I love the kitchen curtains! i love the bathroom curtains. You have been doing so very much. . in a few weeks time you will be glad you worked so hard on all of this. then you can knit and play . AND be with family!!! Hurry up Dennis

  10. Wow, it is all looking so very pretty and cozy! I love the lace curtains! You did a great job hanging them little lady of the house!Please email me your new address! Your yard it beautiful! I am so happy for your new beginnings! Hugs, Roxy

  11. Oh I love your living room curtains! I am partial to blue so the bathroom ones are a great choice too. You are such a wonderful seamstress I bet you could sew some Roman Shades...I have some from JC Penney and I love them but they are getting old. Out here in the sticks I don't worry about the windows but usually draw the shades before bed. Take it easy with the dandy digging...bees need food too! You had a busy weekend! Good for you hanging curtain rods it is not an easy job!

  12. Happy to hear everything is falling into place and that your back is cooperating. Enjoy the warm temperatures.

  13. You've been doing alot of work. Glad your back is being strong. Nice lacey curtains in living room. We've had our curtains for many years. I need to wash them. Becuz of the heat as windows are on South and west sides of house I get thicker ones to keep heat out when its hot and better when cold as well. Your back lawn looks pretty. Glad you're house items, etc. get there safe. And Dennis as well. Megan arrives this this Thursday. Yeah!! Have a blessed week!!

  14. You are so productive and get so much done. I wonder if I ever had that kind of energy!! You chose very nice curtains and I know what you mean about wanting privacy in the living room but not heavy drapes. I used to have sheers and heavy velvet side curtains ( way back when that was in) but now I just have lace toppers. To keep people from looking in when the lights are on in the evening I have a full row of big plants lined up in front of the windows ( 3 big windows). Most of the plants are good quality "fakes" but I also have real ones too. I don't know if you like houseplants or not but it's an idea.

  15. Love all the new curtains Besty. You did a great job putting up the rods and mini blinds. Such a nice big yard. I have light weight curtains in my living room windows with mini blinds behind them, it give privacy in the evening as well as help block out the hot afternoon sun. I can't wait to see more pictures of how your decorating the new home.

  16. You're doing a wonderful job. Your husband will be impressed when he arrives! All the curtains look good! Can't wait to see it when all your stuff arrives!

  17. Oh My Stars!!! you are one busy lady!!
    Have fun on the new chapter of your lives.. oh how fun.
    hugz & blessings

  18. Betsy, no wonder you haven't had time to knit or crochet! You've gotten so much done in the house. Your curtains all look so pretty. Those in the living really look good, much better than big heavy drapes would have looked. I love the sheer curtains. And all that yard work! You must be worn out. Looking forwardd to seeing more...Your new home is so pretty.

  19. Yay for all the Lord has strengthened you to do! I especially like the living room curtains and hope you will enjoy them. If privacy is an issue with them perhaps you can add a heavier layer that you can pull over when necessary. Some of our blanket making ladies gathered at the church today and bagged blankets for the hospital. Altogether there are a little over 100 of different sizes and one lady made many knit preemie hats. We wore masks but it was so good to see each other in person! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค—๐Ÿงถ

  20. Now look who is amazing!!! You are on fire! I cannot believe all you have done! All those curtains and blinds you hung and all that weeding? I can't believe it! I'm so happy you are able to do all that as I remember how many aches and pains you used to have. You're like super woman now! The curtains are so pretty! It is a lovely home.

  21. Wow, Betsy, I'm so impressed with everything you're accomplishing and that your back is holding up to it all. I think you picked some great curtains and I also like the living room ones best. Once you get all your things there it will feel even more like your home. I bet Dennis can't wait to see it all. I'm trying to hang in there but dealing with nausea, general malaise and dia....a. I'm glad you're illness free so you can do all this. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  22. Wow, I've missed a month of blog reading and here you are hanging curtains in a new house! They all look lovely. I especially like the lace ones.

    That is a LOT of dandelions to deal with. Take care with all that heavy digging.

  23. Everything looks so lovely. You have really been busy, your curtains really make all the rooms look so homey and cozy. I'm loving keeping up with all your progress.

  24. Awww... everything is looking so cozy and just right and I'm trying not to be jealous of your cubbies in your other post! So happy to see you enjoying your new home, Betsy... Hugs, Debra
