Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Bits and Bobs

It’s Wednesday evening and we had an absolutely beautiful day today. I walked around outside with flip-flops on and a light sweater. But by the weekend it’s supposed to be around 10°F at night. I enjoyed the day while I could.  I took the comforter off of our bed and walked up to the laundromat here in the park. My little RV washer is just not big enough to handle a comforter. It was the first time I used the laundry room and I was pleasantly surprised with how clean it was.  I had to walk back-and-forth several times to switch it to the dryer and then back again to pick it up when it was dry. Good exercise and lots of sunshine! 🌞

I have some decorations up that I thought you would like to see. Just like I had at the house, I have the garland of crocheted Scandinavian hearts hanging on the island along with my valentine wreath. If you’re interested in making some of these hearts out of crochet thread, you can find the pattern free on Teresa’s blog. It is “Teresa Kasner” over on my side bar.

The twinkle lights are still cheering up the RV and now they have hearts hanging from the lights instead of Christmas cards. The gnome that Meredith sent me at Christmas is still hanging around keeping an eye on things.  Please excuse the insulation pillows in the skylight and vent on the ceiling. It’s amazing how much cold air they keep out in the winter.  This trailer is so well insulated we haven’t even used 1/2 of a tank of propane yet this winter. That’s a very good thing.

Here is the other side. You can see the willow figurines that Sam sent to me on the window valance along with Connie’s beautiful hand-painted card.

I had picked up a grocery order Monday morning and included a little piece of cake for Dennis and I to share. I think I told you about that in my last post. Well, before the day was over, two more people had stopped by and left entire chocolate cakes on our porch steps. Not only that, they ran out of the small pieces of cake in our grocery order, so they upgraded us to a full-size cake at the same price! So here I was, the person who is trying to lose weight with three huge chocolate cakes for her birthday! I took one cake to the family next door where they have three children. My goodness those kids were excited to see that chocolate cake! Then I took another one to the office for the campground staff to share. That still left Dennis and I a full cake. We each had a piece and I cut the rest into big pieces and put it in the freezer. Happy birthday to me!πŸŽ‚πŸ’œ

Along with one of those cakes was this beautiful red rose. I have some very sweet friends don’t I?

And there is Cindy’s snowman sitting by the bamboo plant that Jenny gave me. She also made me a tote bag.

I dug this project out of the depths of a tote bag in the back of the closet last night. It is my Bits and Bobs blanket that I started months and months ago.  I set it aside to work on Christmas things. It is a paid for pattern on Ravelry. I forgot just how pleasurable this blanket is to work on. It is the squishiest, softest blanket I have made in a long time. And I just love the project bag that I have it in.

After dinner tonight I cast on a pair of socks. It is the Petty Harbor pattern which is free on Ravelry.  I’m using Lion Brand Sock-Ease yarn which is a 75% wool/25% nylon blend. It is the Taffy colorway. I’m not sure why it’s named that. It doesn’t look like any taffy that I’ve ever seen before.  I have found this to be a very hard wearing yarn and it’s not too bad to work with. Dennis‘s mom really likes socks made out of this yarn.

I took this photo out of the back window of the RV this afternoon. It really was a gorgeous day. You could hear children’s voices all around the campground for the first time in several months. It was wonderful! I love the happy sound of children playing.

Dennis and I have been talking and trying to make some (more) decisions. As much as we absolutely love, love, love this RV, we will probably be selling it this summer. We will keep our smaller 25 foot trailer to travel in. We realize we will have to live in the small one for several months before moving, but that’s OK too. We believe it will be easier to sell it early in the summer rather than later in the year.  We have gotten very spoiled having almost 40 feet of living space in the bigger RV.  Our summers are so gorgeous here though, that we spend most of our time outside. We could pull the bigger trailer with our truck with no problem, but we also know it would be hard to do the kind of camping we want to do with such a big unit. We want to go to national and state parks and also do some boondocking where there are no amenities. That will be much easier to do with a smaller trailer. And we do love our smaller trailer too. My kitchen island and the washing machine and dryer will be sorely missed though, while we’re still living full-time here.  I will be visiting that laundromat much more often.

If you remember, we had originally bought the bigger RV thinking we would be at the lake for several more years. We are retiring a couple of years earlier than we had planned. Mom needs us at home and we want to be with family too, so plans have changed a bit. Life is always full of unexpected surprises isn’t it?  We never know what God has in store for us from one day to the next.

I pray that each one of you is doing well and staying healthy. Wishing you all the best and I’ll be talking with you again soon.

Blessings and hugs,


  1. Ah many happy returns of the day, dear Betsy. Glad you were spoilt, must've been nice to have a cake to chose from 3!! Beautiful rose too as is your other decorations in your RV. So selling it.. well pray it goes to some worthy owners. And that your little one is as comfy as you think it is. Good news re laundry room too. That's encouraging. Lovely thoughts of what our Lord God has ahead of you.
    Did you know:
    2.2 million have died from COVID in 1 yr, worldwide.
    17 million die of heart issues worlwide in 1 yr.
    Makes you think why don't they carry on more about heart that kills 8 times number of people.
    Sad no matter how many die of anything but got to thinking today information is very out of balance.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  2. Happy birthday!
    I love hearing about your trailer adventures. One of my favorite movies is the Long, Long Trailer with Lucy and Desi. It was just one a few weeks ago and I thought of you. My mom loved her trailers. Now I wished I had spent more time with her in hers on the water but you know kids and work got in the way. Sigh....I'd give anything to be snugged up cozy with her for just a few days.

  3. What a wonderful birthday! You certainly are loved! We had a family across the street with three boys (a set of twins and a brother a year longer). I never worried about quantity when I baked or cooked because I knew I could share with those hungry boys. Now they have moved and we often have too much of a good thing, too. I bet they were excited about the cake!

    What a beautiful day! I love your Valentine hearts. It does make sense to sell the camper at the beginning of the season, but it is a lovely place for you now and it is so homey.

  4. You were blessed with cakes! What fun and so wonderful of you to share with others!
    Your plans are moving on and forward to your goals! Your new project look interesting...I have socks on needles too there time limit?? I think they have been there a year! Your weather sounds nice!! :)

  5. How lovely to receive three cakes for your birthday and wonderful that you were able to share them with the RV park neighbors. Life is ever-changing. It sounds like you and Dennis are adapting right along with the changes.

  6. Sounds like you are spoiled! AT least you were able to spread the love around.

    I love all your hearts and lights!

  7. How wonderful to have three birthday cakes and so much fun to be able to deliver some and share it around. You are blessed with so much love in your life. You seem to be making some great plans for the future, and adapting so well to all the changes that have been thrown at you both. Life is an adventure and you are making the most of it.

  8. That sock yarn may not look like any taffy but it's really nice. 75% wool and 25% nylon should make comfy and long wearing socks. I'm glad you got gifted with several cakes and were able to pass 2 along. I can imagine how thrilled 3 young kids would be with that. You'll probably be known now as the Chocolate cake Lady.

  9. Your blanket sure is a fun looking project, I'm glad you resurrected it. Who are you making the socks for? I have misplaced my sock needles and the sock yarn I bought.. I would like to find it and give sock knitting another go. I'm sorry you will have to sell that big beautiful RV but I know you're making the right decisions. I'm just glad you're getting closer to moving near family and Piper as I know how happy it will make you and Dennis. Stay safe! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  10. What happiness in the words of this post! I am so glad you had a happy birthday; and yes, you are so loved!

  11. What a blue, blue sky! Love that photo Betsy! I know you will miss the space of your trailer when you sell it, but your plans make sense. Best of luck!

  12. Hi Betsy, Your nice weather sounds wonderful! Especially since it is so cold here. The little hearts you crocheted are darling and it is so funny about your cakes! We lived in a 29 foot fifth wheel with one slide for two and one half years with no problem so your 25 foot one should do you fine. Of course I did not have a washer or dryer! Nancy

  13. Hi Betsy, I wrote a comment but think I forgot to hit publish! Your nice warm day sounds wonderful. Especially since it is so cold here. Your crocheted hearts are lovey and it is so funny about your cakes! We lived in a 29 foot fifth wheel with one slide along with our dog for 2 and 1/2 years. Of course I missed a washer too! Nancy

  14. It sure does look and sound like it as a great day to get out and get things done. Your living space is so cozy with the fairy lights and sweethearts all around. I'm glad to hear that your birthday was a good one and that you were celebrated with a whole lotta cake love which you were then able to pass along. :) Although the only constant is change, you two seem to continue to make decision that are right for you and your future. Everything seems to be falling into place as it should. Take care! Have a wonderful weekend.

  15. That's alot of chocolate cake for a birthday. So kind of friends to give you cake. Nice gifts you were given and hopefully you liked the ones I sent you as well. I got my pkg from you today. I didn't open it. It is sitting with two others that are gifts as well. I am certain I am going to be on SS in April as I need more money to help out. Not working now for various reasons. Except at home. Your RV is nicely decorated. I haven't put anything out yet for valentine decor, as I used to. It's somewhere! It was 50 degrees today and I walked out to mailbox without a coat on and I was fine. I did have something warm on tho. I plan on making cookies tomorrow and get some laundry booster for my washer that have a few YL essential oils in it. It's been awhile since I made it. I like it! Toilet fizzies too. Life changes at times that we dont'expect but God is always with us! I am thankful to have made it thru diffcult time last year and am better in more ways than one. I am glad you are feeling better too.....Hugs and have a good weekend!!!

  16. A late Happy Birthday to you! The heart garland is so pretty, I will be visiting Teresa to see how it's made. I also have Christmas lights in my kitchen, I love them and they make everything look so pretty. Yes, we live with the unexpected every day, one thing that is always the same is our Lord and He is always with us. Hope you are enjoying a great day.

  17. Belated birthday wishes are being sent your way Betsy. I think a few months in a smaller trailer is perfect in the summer. It gets you where you want to go and it won't be as big to deal with. Stay safe.

  18. You have your place fixed so beautiful and homey. I am so glad you had such a wonderful birthday! God bless you and Dennis with all your future plans! I know there are wonderful things ahead of you.

  19. Your place is darling. You guys have had some good productive planning talks. Speaks well of your relationship! I love the verse today. Im kind of blue today Betsy. Not like me. I haven't left the house in 2 days . ITs 5 degrees out. The prior days we went out so briefly to LOOK at our town. Im even having my medications mailed here from walgreeens. I want the vaccine. And I don't think it is in our picture for a while yet.......I must trust. I miss Zach and al so much. My knitting is going well though! Thanks Betsy for listening and praying

  20. Sounds like you had a very nice birthday! Belated good wishes from me! I love those hearts; they are so cute. We got a little snow last night, but it's all gone now.

  21. Three birthday cakes and flip flops Betsy! It really must have been a warm day for wearing flip flops. I am wondering if your flip flops are the same as what we use here for the beach i.e plastic sandals that you just slip on? Just curious! As for the three birthday cakes...that confirms just how popular you are then. Such a lovely gesture on your part to give away a cake to your neighbour and family and the other for the camping site staff. The hearts look wonderful hanging from your twinkly lights. Keep well Amanda x

  22. Lis and Gary were grateful for the good weather you had last week as they traveled to and from Spokane to visit his mom. Your beautiful sock making encourages me to dream I can make another pair some needles and yarn are in a basket beside me πŸ˜ŠπŸ’œπŸ™
