Thursday, July 9, 2015

Still Here

A short post. I'm still in the hospital. Posting from my iPhone. The ran into a few complications but hopefully I will go home in the next day or two.

Don't I look great? They've got me on lots of really good drugs.I don't make a lot of sense all the time so I'll make this short and sweet. Jenny came up last night and braided my hair for me to get it out of the way of all the wires. What a good best friend. Please keep up the prayers. I appreciate them more than you know.



  1. Oh no, I didn't know you were in the hospital. I hope everything is okay.

  2. It's so good to see your sweet face dear friend. Prayers being sent and hugs, too. Hang in there, you will be home before you know it. Blessings to you always dear friend.

  3. Hope you are up and about soon. Sending you lots of get well wishes. You are in my prayers.

  4. Oh Betsy, my dear friend. I was shocked to sign on to your blog today. I am on Greg's computer, as mine has just about expired. I have not blogged, nor have I been reading blogs. I am so very sorry to read that you are in the hospital, and with such a scary procedure. I read back several posts, to see what happened, but best as I can tell, is you have been having some heart issues. I will be praying for your full recovery. I so wish I could be there to visit you and help you in some way. You are in my heart, and in my thoughts, dear girl. I will certainly not stay away for so long. Please forgive my absence, and not knowing that you were going through this It will be okay.

  5. Wishing you a speedy recovery! My mom had a pacemaker put in a couple years ago and it has really helped her a lot. Hopefully yours does the same. Hugs to you!

  6. I'm continuing to pray for your complete healing and that the Lord will quickly sort out the complications you have had, Betsy. Love to you and yours. xx

  7. Oh no! I'm very sorry things didn't go as smoothly as they could have. But you are smiling, and I think you look lovely. Praying for no more complications and speedy recovery.

  8. Thanks for the update Betsy. Good to see your face! Praying...Blessings, Aimee

  9. Continued prayers that all will be sorted out and you will be home soon and much better. Good to "see" your sweet face, my friend. Hugs and blessings!

  10. With you all the way from Normandy. Thinking of you and hoping you'll soon be back home. AmitiƩs. XOXO

  11. Continuing prayers for you Betsy. You will soon be home and feeling much, much better.

  12. Sending you the strongest and fondest vibes from over here in Spain that you will be out of hospital soon and on your way to recovery settled in your home. You'll be feeling much ,much better soon dear Betsy I'm sure :-)


    Amanda xx

  13. You look better than I do and I'm not sick! LOL! You must need the rest so take care of yourself! You'll be home enjoying your lakeside in no time.

  14. Betsy, I am so, so sorry, I had no idea any of this was going on. I have been missing from blogland for weeks and I completely missed all of your news. I feel like I am a horrible friend. I am sending you a big, but gentle get well hug. You are strong and brave and I send you my love for a very quick recovery.
