Hello my friends,
Here I am, still in Portland enjoying my time with Mandy and Piper. This little girl is one of the great joys of my life. Truly. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm missing Dennis, I would never leave her.
Here we were blowing bubbles and she was "helping" me pick off the dead bloom on the flowers. Unfortunately she had a hard time distinguishing between dead blooms and pretty ones. :-)
A good little Mama feeding her monkey lunch. Her high chair was Mandy's when she was a little girl, made by my brother-in-laws Dad.

Putting all the babies to bed for their naps. They each get a pillow and blanket.
Mandy got rid of a bunch of bags and I snatched this one up for my knitting. After all, it's purple.
A kitchen towel for myself that I'm making with the yarn Teresa gave me last week, Knit Picks Dishie. I only brought one set of needles with me so I'm glad Mandy is a knitter too. These are size 10.5 and just right for this project.
A new dishcloth for Mandy. I've made 8 or 9 since I've been here. I've had this pattern for awhile now and like the mix of knit and purl for texture. It scrubs really well. It's a very simple 6 row repeat. If anyone is interested I'll print the pattern next post.
Now. For those who have weak stomachs you might want to say goodbye at this point and I'll talk to you next post! :-)
This is for the people that say blog posts don't "keep it real" and only show the good stuff. The perfect things. Well not here. Not today. Have I ever told you that I'm a super clumsy person? I am. Just ask anyone who knows me. I fell outside yesterday.
This is my arm.
This is my leg.
This is my hand.
Ouch. I was glad that my R.N. daughter was here to bandage and ice me up. All three places hurt, but especially my leg, which ironically looks the best. :-)
Hopefully I'll be moving around better tomorrow, but I do hurt all over today. Of course it's my right hand and arm and I'm right handed. But I'm still knitting. :-)
The plan for now is to head home on Wednesday. The appraiser still hasn't shown up and closing is scheduled for next week. There is still a lot to do here, but our son Jamie and grandbabies Kyleigh and Caleb, are coming to Spokane this weekend to see Mandy and Piper before the big move. Mandy will come back to Portland next week while the house is packed up by the movers and leave Piper with Grandpa and Grandma. A sacrifice for us. Ha! I wish we could keep her forever. Mandy has never been away from her for that long though prayers for her will be appreciated.
I hope you're all having a lovely day wherever you may be. The sun is shiny here and life is good.
Betsy! That looks like a terrible fall! I hope you're not too sore for too long. Thank goodness you didn't break or rip something! You poor thang. And look at you knitting away on those dishcloths and towel. Makes me want to get out my hooks....okay, that was a lie! But I do wish I liked it more. Glad to see you are still enjoying Piper.
ReplyDeletePammy, I am soooo clumsy. I DO hurt today, but it will be better tomorrow. It was my own silly fault.
Such a precious little Grand Girl Piper you have, Betsy! I am so glad she is taking such good care of her Monkey as well as her other dolls :) Soooo sorry about your fall and I pray you heal rapidly! I have started a crocheted dishcloth following the pattern that Teresa last posted which is nice and bumpy, and I would be interested in knowing how to make the knitted dishcloth you show in this post. It looks pretty and practical. Hope you and Mandy and Piper are having fun at IKEA today! Carolyn is safely on her way back to CA...our visits fly by way too fast :) Godspeed on your travels, Good Friend! xx
ReplyDeleteI didn't make it to IKEA today. We decided it wouldn't be a good idea with my leg so sore. I have the pattern to give you at lunch tomorrow and I'll post it next time too.
Hi Betsy.. goodness, girl.. how did you get so hurt? I'm glad you didn't break anything! Little Piper is absolutely adorable and such a good little dolly mommy. It was fun to see how the cotton I gave you works up knitted. We're back.. it took me 5 hours to crop and color enhance and lower the resolution on my photos, then to upload them and type out a narrative. Sheesh! Hope to see you soon. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
ReplyDeleteWould you believe I fell out of a chair? Yep, I sure did! I had one leg of the chair too close to the edge of a step on the patio and down I toppled, right over the edge. We were worried I may have broken my arm at first but it's much better than my leg now. I really enjoyed your post today. Gorgeous camping spot.
Ouch! I am SO scared of falling and breaking something. Looks like it hurts but it's good you didn't have a fracture! Such GREAT photos of your little Piper---I surely do know what you are feeling. It would be such a perfect world for us grandparents if our kids and grandkids would all never move away. Enjoy your time with her and safe travels as you head back home.
It would be perfect if they all lived close. I miss my kids.
Hi Betsy, So sorry that you fell. Hope you won't be too sore... I'm so sorry that this happened to you... BUT--I know you are glad to be there with those precious grandchildren. I also know how much you miss your Sweetie and he misses you...
ReplyDeleteLove that purple bag for your knitting... How special! AND it's neat that the little high chair is making it through the family... That is awesome.
Have a great week and don't have anymore FALLS this week..
It IS wonderful to be with our children and Grandkids, if even for a short time. Mandy loves heirlooms as much as I do, so I'm sure that high hair will be put away for Piper's little girl someday. :-)
My grandchildren all live a distance away but it does make the time together even more special, its the reason my husband and I learnt to use the computer so that we could keep in daily contact. Hope you are feeling better soon.
ReplyDeleteI am so grateful for FaceTime. It allows us to keep in touch with all if our kids.
Oh that must have been very scary falling out of a chair in that way. I am so glad you are not broken.
ReplyDeleteWhat fun you will have with Piper staying over soon. :)
Nothing broken...but oh so sore today. Yes, I truly enjoying Piper.
I'm sorry about your fall, Betsy. Those bruises do look nasty. I hope they're better soon. I'm glad you're still enjoying your time in Portland, Piper looks like a wonderful little mama. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Jennifer. I'll heal. I always do. :-). I love to watch Piper cuddling her babies. A reflection of the good Mama she has.
Oh sweet friend I do hope you are feeling better after your fall. So glad Mandy was there to take care of you. :) Wishing you all safe travels and prayers sweet friend. Love the knitted dish cloth!
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you always :)
I'm glad she was here too. She took very good care of her Mama. I must say, everything hurts even more today. :-( thank you for your sweet words.
Oh Betsy, bless your heat I bet you are so sore. Little Piper just keeps getting cuter and cuter, her hair is so long! Have a wonderful trip home and enjoy our special time with your darling girl.
Thank you Meredith. I'm feeling a bit better but the leg is still pretty sore. We're heading back to Spokane in a few hours. I think Piper is cuter every day too! Grandma's are like that.
Betsy, Hope you are doing much better. And, hope your trip home was great. We all miss you.
ReplyDeleteLove and Hugs,
Barbara/ NH
Oh my goodness my dear friend... I'm sorry I didn't see your post ( this darn blogloving thingy - I have problems since I signed up for it) and didn't know you got hurt so bad ... That looks just so painfull. Hope you are doing much better now.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you enjoyed yr visit with all of your grandchildren and hope you have a wonderful month with Ms. Piper. She is ken adorable cute little girl.
Lots of love.
Betsy, I have gotten behind on your posts and I'm trying to catch up tonight. I'm so sorry you fell and were hurt so badly. Falling is one of my biggest fears because I am not the most graceful person. I hope you are feeling better now since it's almost been a month. I will do better in keeping up now, I hope.