Monday, July 1, 2013

Heat Wave Anyone?

Good Monday morning my friends. Oh my goodness it is warm here! We're supposed to well over 100F today. Yesterday Hubby and I drove back from Portland, in separate cars, so we were asking each other the readout on our temperature screens in the cars as we drove. At one point both of us showed 104F! Ick. The forecast for today and tomorrow is even hotter. We saw three different brush fires as we drove along. A lot of times those right by the highway are from cigarettes thrown from car windows. I really wish people would think about that before they threw them away. Several homes were threatened by the fires we passed. And those poor firefighters who died yesterday in the southern states. So sad. I will definitely be in prayer for their families.

On a happier note I had a wonderful time with Miss Piper. She's so busy these days that it's hard to get a good picture of her. She's always in motion unless she's asleep. Grandma's mission was accomplished and she's on a great daytime schedule now for the daycare. She's napping in the "big bed", (crib) very well and life is so much better after Grandma visited. At least that's what Mommy said in her phone call this morning. Both Mommy and Daddy are okay with me being there and seem to not like me to leave which is a very nice thing. I feel so comfortable in their home and I know they love me. Hubby drove down on Friday afternoon for the weekend. That was wonderful. While we were there and he had his truck with him we took advantage of the no sales tax and sales and bought a new patio table and chairs for our deck. They aren't assembled yet so no picture. Maybe next time I post. :-)

Not much else to tell you. By the time we got home yesterday we had just enough time to throw a load of laundry in the washer, unpack the car and grab a fast dinner before we went to evening church. When we got home, Hubby mowed the grass while I finished unpacking and then re-packing for the lake. It was 8:30 and still 92F. Needless to say, we both took showers and tried to relax after the heat of the day. At least Hubby did. I ironed for an hour or so. I could have done that this morning but I want to be off to the trailer while it's still relatively cool so I can open windows there. I've already been to the grocery store and have things ready to go.

And now, here are a few pictures of my weekend. How do you like the two dog beds for Chloe and Polly? Not decorator friendly but they sure love them, and each other.

Piper had a bit of a rough weekend with four new teeth working their way in. There were lots of smiles but I didn't manage to capture any on the camera.

The last picture is of a skein of yarn I gave Taci when we met on Friday to knit and chat. It's the "I Love This Yarn" brand from Hobby Lobby. It's sooooo soft. We had a wonderful time talking and catching up with each other. I hope next trip all four of us will manage to get together. Taci gave me the sweetest pincushion but my camera battery was dead. I'll have a photo of it next time.

The drive home yesterday was breathtaking. At one point to the left of me was Mt. Hood in all of it's splendor and to the right was Mt. St. Helens. So beautiful. The sky was completely blue without a cloud to be seen. I could see Mt. Hood in my rear view mirror for over 150 miles! There were stand up paddle boarders, fisherman, kite boarders, skiers, just about any water sport you could imagine on the Columbia River as we drove along it. I love summer in the Pacific Northwest. There is nothing like it.

And now my friends, I'm off to the lake. Have a wonderful week and Happy 4th of July to my U.S. friends.




  1. Betsy, so glad you had a great time on your visit. Piper is getting big, poor little soul with her teeth coming in. It is wonderful you were able to see Taci, and I bet she loved that yarn.
    Hugs to you and stay cool.

  2. Ah! Piper photos--they always make me smile:)
    I will be SO happy when we get back to our normal PNW weather...too hot to even go out and harvest everything that needs to be picked.
    Oh well---just a few more days and it will start to cool down.

  3. I'm glad it was a good trip but I'm glad you're home...can't wait to see the purses and go back to the lake!

  4. Piper is so cute with her two little teeth.. I remember when my youngest GD had those and I hoped she'd stay that way forever.. lol! Can't wait to see more lake photos. Hope the 4 of us can get together soon. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Awww Piper is adorable :)

    Wow it's hot where you are. We're supposed to reach 100ยบ later this week too...ick, ick, ick!!! I can't wait for fall :)

    Have a wonderful day xoxox

  6. Nice visit!!!! I guess this heat is all over the West Coast. My husband is up in Washington on business, and he says it is nearly as hot as here!! We too are heading to the lake on Thursday for a few days. Cannot wait. You enjoy your lake too!!!

  7. ah happy days with little ones once teething is done..

    ..and yes Betsy God creation quite takes your breath away doesn't it?
    "the heaven declare the glory of God and the firmament shews His handiwork." ps 19:1

    love Shaz in Oz.x

  8. Such a beautiful baby and what a blessing she is to you.
    The fires are so devastating. We lost a young friend a few years ago when the plane he was co-piloting crashed while fighting a huge fire. I know many are unavoidable, but so many are man caused and can be avoided. My heart has hurt for these families too. Always have to lean on the knowledge that God knew from the beginning what their lives would be.
    You have a very happy and safe Independence Day.

  9. Awww Little Miss Piper is so adorable! I know she is a blessing to you all.

    Glad you had a nice visit and hope the weather calms down and the heat gets cooler.

    Enjoy your time at the lake and blessings always dear friend. :)

  10. My youngest grand is joining Miss Piper in the new teeth contest...ouch :-( So glad you had a good visit and so glad you can enjoy your lake!!! Hope to visit with you soon, Betsy!

  11. My dear friend Betsy I'm sooo happy you got home ok. It was a very hot week. Now the weekend is over... I'm so happy you got to spend sometime with this cutest princess... She is just so very cute!
    I love my yarn and just need to take a picture and post it on my blog. Thank you so much for thinking of me... You are always so thoughtful.
    Hope you enjoy the lake and your beautiful view.

  12. Gosh, you two sure do stay busy. But sounds like you are enjoying every moment. Blessings, Tammy
